Hi there! We’re so glad you decided to learn more about your Bernina 1300MDC serger.
Our how-to videos will show you everything you need to know about getting started with your new machine, from unpacking it, to setting up the threading, to using the machine’s different functions and accessories. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is!

Bernina Stitching Cosmos ↗
The Bernina Stitching Cosmos online course is designed to help Bernina sewing machine owners master every stitch, every menu, and the 18 top-selling sewing machine accessories. If you know you are not using your sewing machine to its fullest, then this course is for you.
Serger Solutions↗
Put your serger in the spotlight! Learn serger troubleshooting techniques and make the most of your machine with sewing educator Sara Snuggerud. Review the basic parts of your serger, then discover how to choose the best thread and spool placement for efficient serging. Identify balanced stitching and find the best tension to sew smooth, beautiful seams.
Embroidery Essentials ↗
The Embroidery Essentials course was designed to help you master your embroidery machine while successfully stitching out 15 different embroidery design techniques. This online course, hosted by Sara Snuggerud of SewingMastery.com, is over 3 1/2 hours of in-depth embroidery knowledge with step-by-step instructions for every embroidery technique.