Welcome to our how-to-use your machine videos on the Pfaff quilt expression 720 sewing machine!
We’ll walk you through all of the features of your machine, and show you some cool things you can do with it. You’ll learn how to set up your machine, load a bobbin, thread it, and sew! Next, we’ll take a look at some accessories (like feet) that will make it easier for you to get the most out of your machine. Finally, we’ll wrap up by showing how you can change out the needle on your Pfaff quilt expression 720 sewing machine.
These videos will be helpful for anyone who has just purchased this sewing machine or is thinking about purchasing it soon. But even if you’ve been using a Pfaff quilt expression 720 for years now, there might be something here that will help improve your skills and increase your enjoyment of this great machine!